Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Chapter Six
I woke up to find myself on a plane, snuggled into Alec's chest. I wasn't for sure why I was in a plane; I mean we still had a couple days to go before we had to leave.
"Alec, where are we going?" I whispered out, snuggling into his chest even more.
"Love, what do you remember before you passed out?" He spoke just as softly. I passed out? I remember Alec and I had just got back to the castle from walking around, and Felix running up to us and... and...
"No. Please say it's not true." I whimpered out.
"I'm so sorry my love." I felt the silent tears running down my cheeks. This couldn't be happening. We had just landed in Port Angeles, so I knew I was asleep for awhile. I stayed curled in Alec's arms as he moved us from the plane to the car. All the while, I stayed quiet, letting my tears keep on rolling.
When we pulled into the driveway at Charlie's, I saw that the Black's and Clearwater's were there waiting for me. I got out and hugged Billy, then Harry. When Alec, Felix and Demetri walked up behind me, I heard Harry and Billy start cursing. I couldn't figure why they were cursing until it came flooding back to me.
"Do you know of our legends?" I shook my head no. "A legend claims that we descended from the cold ones." Jacob said softly.
"Cold ones?" I asked.
"Yes. There are stories of cold ones as old as the wolf legends, some even more recent. According to legend, my great-grandfather made a treaty with them, to stay off our land. You see, the cold ones are the natural enemies of the wolves. Well not really wolves, just men that turn into wolves, you would call them werewolves."
"Werewolves have enemies?"
"Only one."
Now it all made sense. Harry and Billy were elders, they believed in the 'cold ones'. So if vampires existed, does that mean werewolves were real? Billy mumbling to Harry pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Billy, Harry, these are my guests. And since this is now my property, if you don't like my guests, please feel free to leave. I will not tolerate you to disrespect them." I walked over to Alec and placed a kiss on his neck. "You guys ready to go inside?" I asked to my new family, earning nods from them. I held my head up high, acting a lot stronger then I really felt.
We walked inside about the time I heard Billy and Harry leave. I couldn't dwell on them being crazy right now. I got right to work with going through paperwork that was left for me. I heard the phone ringing, but couldn't be bothered with it; I really didn't care who it was. About five minutes later I felt Alec enter the room.
"Love, someone just called from the police station. They need you to go down and fill out some paperwork. Would you like one of us to go with you?" I shook my head no and stood up. Alec pulled me into a hug, always knowing what I needed and when. He gave me the keys to the rental car, with a kiss and another hug I was out the door and on my way to the police station. It didn't take long to get there, after all this is a small ass town. I got out of the car and slowly walked inside. Maybe now I'll get some answers.
"Bella Swan?" A younger man in uniform asked.
"I'm Officer Lewis. I'm sorry for your loss. Your father was a great man." I nodded because he was. Even if we didn't talk or show emotions towards each other all the time, he was still my father and I still loved him.
"May I ask what exactly happened?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to know this, but knew I needed to.
"Chief Swan was called out to an abandoned house that was reported as broken into. Somehow the house caught on fire." He stated, professional like.
"And why wasn't he able to get out?"
"When the coroner examined his body, he had multiple broken bones. We believe he died before the fire even started." This made no sense. My father was a strong man. Why the hell wasn't he able to get out alive?
"What do I need to sign then?" I just wanted to go back to the house and curl into Alec's lap.
"We need you to sign paperwork stating that you are in ownership of Charlie's personal property, as well as any money he had in his name." I nodded my understanding and started signing the paperwork. "Everything will be legalized within the next day or two. Again I am sorry for your loss." I shook his hand and walked out the door, got into the car, and headed back to Charlie's. It would never be home, my life was no longer here. My life was in Italy, as well as my home.
Pulling into the driveway, I threw the car in park and just sat there looking at the house. So many memories here, and now, the one man that mainly created them, was no longer part of this world. I would never get to see my father. The last time he saw me, he saw me as a broken woman, and all the hell I had been through. He didn't see the happy woman I had become, nor did he get to meet my fiancé. I'm not sure how long I sat there, just thinking. I knew the guys knew I was here, but they were giving me space. A movement out of the corner of my eye brought me out of my thoughts.
"Bella, I'm sorry about Charlie."
"I am too Jacob. I am too. Um… would you like to come in?" I asked softly.
"Yeah, sure." Jacob helped me out of the car and into the house. I opened the front door and I heard Jacob growl. That's all it took for my fiancé and two newest guards to come to me. I rolled my eyes and walked into Alec's open arms.
"Bella, do you know what they are?" Jacob asked.
"Yes, this is my fiancé, and my two friends." I said innocently. I knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Bells..." Jake warned.
"Jacob, this is my fiancé Alec, and friends Felix and Demetri." I said calmly.
"Bella, please step behind me." Wow now I had a fourth guard.
"Why?" I asked, feigning innocence again. This game was starting to get really old.
"Bella, they're vampires. Please step behind me so I can protect you." Jake got out between clenched teeth. Time to end this game.
"Yes, Jake, they're vampires. Good job. Does that make you a werewolf?"
"Bella.." Jake warned again.
"Jacob Black, I suggest you calm down right now. As I told your dad and Harry, this is my property. If you don't like my family, you know where the fucking door is! I'm so tired of this bullshit! GET THE FUCK OVER IT! I'm here because my father was killed, and you have to act like a damn two year old." I yelled out.
"Bella, I do not agree with what you are doing here. But as long as you are here, you are to know that if you kill anyone in this area, we will kill you." Jake warned.
"We are not here to hunt. We are here to help my fiancé deal with her loss, and everything else she needs to do. Then we will return home." Alec spoke calmly. Man I loved him with all my heart!
"Well I know how you leeches can get."
"Jacob Black! That is enough! You will not disrespect my family. There's the door, don't let it hit your ass too fucking hard on the way out!" I was done. He looked at me with sad eyes, before nodding and leaving. As soon as the door closed, I felt the blackness pulling me into the pit, and I welcomed it.
The next couple of days passed in a blur. Without my new family, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it through it. Alec had me sleep as much as my body wanted it, while he took care of everything for the burial. Since there wasn't much left of my father's body, we decided it was best to but do a burial, no casket, but just a cremation.
The burial was beautiful, with the twenty-one gun salute to the different people talking about my father. It didn't last long, but it allowed people to say there final goodbye. I walked up to the yearn that held the remains of my father, to say my goodbye.
"Daddy, I wish you were here. I wish you could have met my fiancé. He's a wonderful man and treats me good. I love him with all my heart, you would have liked him. I'm sorry the last time you saw me, I was nothing but a shell. Alec helped change that, he put life back in me. I will always love you daddy. Say hi to grandma for me." I whispered out. I stood there for a few moments until I felt Alec wrap his arms around me. We were walking back to the car when I saw Renee. This should be good.
"Bella." She said before pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, because she was still my mother, and I needed that hug right now. "How are you holding up?" She whispered. I pulled back and walked back to Alec.
"I'm doing as well as I can right now." I answered honestly.
"Are you going to continue living here or are you moving back home with me?" Is she fucking kidding me?
"Yes I will be moving home, with my fiance. I'm selling the house here, as I will not need it when I'm not in the United States." Renee looked confused.
"Bella, we live in Florida. That's still part of the US."
"No, Alec lives in Italy, where I will be joining him. That is my home." I felt Alec lightly purr behind me.
"You are not leaving the US to be with some boy that will end the relationship in a month." Great time to try acting like a mother Renee!
"I'm not with a boy. I'm with a man that I plan on getting married to. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry your throwing your life away Isabella. I thought I raised you better than this." She then turned around and left me standing there dumbfounded. She didn't raise me, if anything I raised her! We quickly got into the car and started our trip to Seattle. With Felix's driving, I was scared to keep my eyes open, so I snuggled into my favorite place and drifted off to sleep with the smell of Alec flooding my mind.
I felt Alec softly kissing me, so I cracked my eyes open. I was greeted with a wonderful smile, before his lips met mine. I went to deepen the kiss; I could never get enough of Alec, when someone cleared their throat.
"Alright love birds. We're at the apartment." Felix chuckled out. I maturely stuck my tongue out at him. "Real mature Bella."
"I know." I giggled out while jumping out of the car and running to the building. I was almost there when I felt arms around me, and was suddenly flying in circles. "Felix!" I yelled out giggling.
"Sorry had to do it." He laughed before setting me down. I was so dizzy, I felt myself swaying before Alec helped balance me out. I looked up to see him trying to hide his laugh, only causing everyone else to laugh even harder.
"Go ahead and laugh. After this week, we could all use a good laugh." I said sliding my key in the door to unlock it. "Anyone home?" I called out.
"Yeah, Bella!" Crystal yelled out with her voice coming closer to us. "I thought you weren't going to be home for another couple of… Oh hey! I remember you!" She pointed at the other two guys.
"Crystal, this is Felix and Demetri. Alec's friends." I motioned to the guys while saying their names. This causing Crystal's eyes to get big.
"Oh my God! Bella!" I looked at her confused. What did I do? "Victoria!" She yelled causing Victoria to come running in. She looked confused, just as I did. Crystal took a step towards me and grabbed my left hand. Ahh, makes sense now! "When did this happen!" Crystal demanded with a sparkle in her eye.
"When we were in Italy." I blushed, because that wasn't the only thing that happened in Italy. I heard the three guys chuckle, earning a playful glare from me.
"So why are you back early then?" Victoria asked. My good mood immediately changed.
"I uh… had to come home to bury my dad." I whispered. I felt their arms circle around me and pull me into a three person hug. "I'm uh.. .actually here to get my things." The girls looked at me confused, well here goes nothing. "I'm moving to Italy to go to school and be with Alec." They had small sad smiles before nodding and letting me go.
I walked to my room with the guys fallowing closely behind. I started packing my stuff and couldn't help small giggles here and there along with some tears. I was really going to miss this place and my two best girl friends.
"What has you in giggles love?" Alec asked softly.
"Lots of memories here, is all."
"I don't wanna know." Demetri groaned out causing us to laugh. We finished packing everything and had it either in the car, or arranged to be sent over. Walking out of my room for the last time, I couldn't help the tears that ran down my cheeks when I saw Victoria and Crystal.
"You'll keep in touch right?" Crystal asked. I looked at Alec, asking if I would be able to, earning a smile and a nod from him. I gave the girls the information onto how to get ahold of me. With promises to keep in touch, I walked out of the apartment.
We made the drive back to Forks to finish everything there. I contacted the real estate agent, and had the house on the market. Since I wouldn't really need money in Italy, I donated Charlie's life insurance money to the police station. They will need it more than me.
I hadn't heard from Renee, and as far as I was concerned, I no longer had a mother. If she couldn't except my life, and the way I was living it, then she didn't respect me.
With the house up for sale, all the paperwork done that needed to be done, I got in the car and we made our way to Seattle. Leaving Forks city limits, we passed the sign saying 'Thank You for Visiting Forks! Please Come Again' knowing that I would probably never come back. I no longer had a reason to be in Forks.
I was really sleepy, so I fell asleep. When I awoke, we were at the airport. We did all the things we needed to, and boarded the plane. Once we were all settled in, I fell back asleep. All the stress from the last week was really wearing me down.
Arriving back in Volterra, I felt at peace, at home. Demetri and Felix helped carry things to our room, before parting ways. I thanked them, and went back to unpacking.
I was still feeling really tired after two weeks of being home and had started to gain weight. I really shouldn't eat when I'm stressed. I moped around, and was off in space most of the time. I didn't want anyone to worry, so I tried to act like I normally did, which just made me even more tired in the end.
Being around Jane was probably the worse part of my day. But I tried to get along with her for the sake of Alec. But her constantly being a bitch, made it really hard. I knew the day was coming when I would break and rip into her again. But I just didn't have the energy to care right now. I just ignored her the best that I could.
I went to bed, only to find myself running to the bathroom twenty minutes later, throwing up. I sat down on the floor, leaning against the tub, loving the coolness of it. Alec was off on a mission and should be returning any moment now, then I can crawl into his cool body. I opened my eyes and looked at the cabinet under the sink.
I opened it, trying to find something that would help settle my tummy. My hands were shaky, and I ended up knocking over my shampoo bottle. I stopped dead in my tracks, looking at the box I just found. I quickly did the math in my head. This can't be right. I recounted only to come up with the same answer. My period was three weeks late. I didn't even hear anyone enter, so I jumped when I heard his voice.
"Love, are you alright?" He spoke softly, causing me to shake my head no.
"Alec, I think I'm pregnant." I whispered so the whole castle wouldn't hear me.
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